Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tension Headache

If you are suffering from a tension headache, it means that you are suffering from the most common form of a primary headache. Typically, the radiation of pain in this type of headache is from the muscle groups in the body like the back, neck, and eyes. Usually, the severity of a tension headache is bearable and ranges from mild to moderate. However, in some cases it could become quite severe.

The primary cause of tension headache is stress, and therefore the name. Other reasons include sleep deprivation, eyestrain, bad posture and hunger as a result of keeping irregular meal times.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Causes of headaches

Headache can strike at any moment without the slightest warning and can make it difficult for you to focus on anything. If headaches occur once in a while, then there's nothing to worry about but if the severity, intensity and frequency increases and you regularly suffer from headaches, you must take steps to remedy the situation. The first step involves knowing the cause of your headache, in other words identify the triggers of your migraine.

Causes of headaches

Identifying the triggers of headache can be difficult because there are many factors that can lead to it. Sometimes it’s a combination of factors, which makes it difficult even more to pinpoint a single one. Sometimes the causes of headaches are psychological in nature and anger, depression, shock, excitement and changes in routine are some of the possible factors that can contribute to your situation. Some foods are notorious for causing headaches such as chocolate, cheese, fried foods and red wine and people prone to migraine or headache can easily suffer due to one of them. Exposure to bright lights, strong odours and loud noises can also trigger headache. Even some medications such as nitroglycerin, anti-inflammatory drugs and birth control pills can easily trigger a headache.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Migraine, migraine variants and prevention techniques

Migraine relief

There are many home remedies that provide relief from migraine. The most popular techniques for migraine relief are aromatherapy, exercises, massage, safe diets and herbal remedies. Hot and cold water therapy can also help. However, remember to avoid extremities. Sometimes exposure to heat can trigger migraine in some people and cold in others, so it's important to know what soothes you before trying this simple migraine relief method.

Migraine prevention

If you know what triggers your migraine, you can prevent migraine. There are some common triggers such as chocolate and red wine that must be avoided to keep migraine at bay. Also simple lifestyle changes such as exercising, relaxing and warding off stress can also help in migraine prevention. There are some migraine prevention medications too that need to be taken on daily basis. The most widely prescribed migraine prevention medications are beta blockers. They indirectly affect serotonin and prevent the dilation of blood vessels thereby helping in migraine prevention. However, like all prescription medications, beta blockers also have many side effects. Advanced devices use electrotherapy that helps treat and prevent migraine. Such devices are natural alternatives to prescription medications and are much safer and healthier.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Abdominal migraine is a migraine variant

Migraine is a convulsive headache disorder characterized by various painful signs and symptoms such as a throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, nasal congestion, blurred vision and many more that make it difficult for you to carry on with your daily activities. Migraine is not only restricted to head pain but also presents itself in other forms. Abdominal migraine is a migraine variant.

Abdominal migraine

There are many migraine variants and abdominal migraine is just one of them. It is also known as 'periodic syndrome'. Abdominal migraine is more common in children who usually have a family history of migraine and develop typical migraine later in their life. The most common symptoms of this migraine variant are periodic bouts of moderate to severe midline abdominal pain that may last from 1 to up to 72 hours, nausea, vomiting, flushing and paleness. Some adults also report abdominal migraine but this condition is not correctly diagnosed. Patients may have to take preventative measures and anti-nausea medications for relief.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Migraine Headache

If you are suffering from one sided pain in the head, which is moderate to severe in scope, and which is usually preceded by an ‘aura’ then most probably you are suffering from a migraine headache. However, things are not as cut and dried as they seem. The ‘aura’, which in migraine terms indicates an imminent attack, is essentially a perception that is either visual or auditory in nature. A large portion of the people suffering from a migraine headache do not experience an aura.

Other symptoms of a migraine headache include nausea, sensitivity to light and sound. Whatever side of the head that is affected my migraine, and in many cases it’s both sides; the location of the pain is near the eye.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cefaly migraine

Migraines are severe headaches that can cause much distress. They are accompanied by symptoms like vomiting and nausea. Migraine affect one side of the head and can continue for days and weeks. So, its treatment is very necessary. Although there is no specific treatment developed for it as yet, but medical devices like Cefaly provide good relaxation help.

With the help of Cefaly device, you can keep your migraine under control. In addition to using Cefaly, you should also do some relaxation techniques like yoga and deep breathing. It can help reduce the stress levels that are also responsible for causing headaches.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Migraine pain relief

Some people migraine pain relief with the help of acupuncture, osteopathy, yoga, or other relaxation techniques. There are some medical devices as well that prove quite useful in relieving the pain caused by migraine. Cefaly is one such medical device that helps relieve migraine pain. You can use it however before that, read about its proper usage guidelines.

Cefaly is based on the advanced TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy. In this therapy, Cefaly generates electric impulses, which act on the nerve cells and reduce the pain in the nerves.